The Weight conversion page links to several weight conversion calculators. If you are not sure how to convert between Metric and Imperial weight units, the weight conversion calculators will help you.
convert carats to grains
convert carats to grams
convert carats to kilograms
convert carats to milligrams
convert carats to ounces (troy)
convert carats to ounces
convert carats to pounds (troy)
convert carats to pounds
convert carats to stones
convert carats to tonnes (metric)
convert carats to tons (long)
convert carats to tons (short)
convert grains to carats
convert grains to grams
convert grains to kilograms
convert grains to milligrams
convert grains to ounces (troy)
convert grains to ounces
convert grains to pounds (troy)
convert grains to pounds
convert grains to stones
convert grains to tonnes (metric)
convert grains to tons (long)
convert grains to tons (short)
convert grams to carats
convert grams to grains
convert grams to kilograms
convert grams to milligrams
convert grams to ounces (troy)
convert grams to ounces
convert grams to pounds (troy)
convert grams to pounds
convert grams to stones
convert grams to tonnes (metric)
convert grams to tons (long)
convert grams to tons (short)
convert kilograms to carats
convert kilograms to grains
convert kilograms to grams
convert kilograms to milligrams
convert kilograms to ounces (troy)
convert kilograms to ounces
convert kilograms to pounds (troy)
convert kilograms to pounds
convert kilograms to stones
convert kilograms to tonnes (metric)
convert kilograms to tons (long)
convert kilograms to tons (short)
convert milligrams to carats
convert milligrams to grains
convert milligrams to grams
convert milligrams to kilograms
convert milligrams to ounces (troy)
convert milligrams to ounces
convert milligrams to pounds (troy)
convert milligrams to pounds
convert milligrams to stones
convert milligrams to tonnes (metric)
convert milligrams to tons (long)
convert milligrams to tons (short)
convert ounces (troy) to carats
convert ounces (troy) to grains
convert ounces (troy) to grams
convert ounces (troy) to kilograms
convert ounces (troy) to milligrams
convert ounces (troy) to ounces
convert ounces (troy) to pounds (troy)
convert ounces (troy) to pounds
convert ounces (troy) to stones
convert ounces (troy) to tonnes (metric)
convert ounces (troy) to tons (long)
convert ounces (troy) to tons (short)
convert ounces to carats
convert ounces to grains
convert ounces to grams
convert ounces to kilograms
convert ounces to milligrams
convert ounces to ounces (troy)
convert ounces to pounds (troy)
convert ounces to pounds
convert ounces to stones
convert ounces to tonnes (metric)
convert ounces to tons (long)
convert ounces to tons (short)
convert pounds (troy) to carats
convert pounds (troy) to grains
convert pounds (troy) to grams
convert pounds (troy) to kilograms
convert pounds (troy) to milligrams
convert pounds (troy) to ounces (troy)
convert pounds (troy) to ounces
convert pounds (troy) to pounds
convert pounds (troy) to stones
convert pounds (troy) to tonnes (metric)
convert pounds (troy) to tons (long)
convert pounds (troy) to tons (short)
convert pounds to carats
convert pounds to grains
convert pounds to grams
convert pounds to kilograms
convert pounds to milligrams
convert pounds to ounces (troy)
convert pounds to ounces
convert pounds to pounds (troy)
convert pounds to stones
convert pounds to tonnes (metric)
convert pounds to tons (long)
convert pounds to tons (short)
convert stones to carats
convert stones to grains
convert stones to grams
convert stones to kilograms
convert stones to milligrams
convert stones to ounces (troy)
convert stones to ounces
convert stones to pounds (troy)
convert stones to pounds
convert stones to tonnes (metric)
convert stones to tons (long)
convert stones to tons (short)
convert tonnes (metric) to carats
convert tonnes (metric) to grains
convert tonnes (metric) to grams
convert tonnes (metric) to kilograms
convert tonnes (metric) to milligrams
convert tonnes (metric) to ounces (troy)
convert tonnes (metric) to ounces
convert tonnes (metric) to pounds (troy)
convert tonnes (metric) to pounds
convert tonnes (metric) to stones
convert tonnes (metric) to tons (long)
convert tonnes (metric) to tons (short)
convert tons (long) to carats
convert tons (long) to grains
convert tons (long) to grams
convert tons (long) to kilograms
convert tons (long) to milligrams
convert tons (long) to ounces (troy)
convert tons (long) to ounces
convert tons (long) to pounds (troy)
convert tons (long) to pounds
convert tons (long) to stones
convert tons (long) to tonnes (metric)
convert tons (long) to tons (short)
convert tons (short) to carats
convert tons (short) to grains
convert tons (short) to grams
convert tons (short) to kilograms
convert tons (short) to milligrams
convert tons (short) to ounces (troy)
convert tons (short) to ounces
convert tons (short) to pounds (troy)
convert tons (short) to pounds
convert tons (short) to stones
convert tons (short) to tonnes (metric)
convert tons (short) to tons (long)